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Volvo AC and Heating Repair

From minor improvements to major replacements, the Swedish Volvo Care team has the equipment, knowledge, and passion needed for exceptional services for Volvo AC and heating in the greater Bay Area. We’re here to keep your Volvo at your preferred temperature throughout the year and protect your parts and components from overheating.

Air conditioning knob on dashboard of car

Heating & Air Conditioning Services

Volvos are designed and built with a wide range of customizable heating and cooling features. While these features maximize comfort and functionality, they’re also highly complex and require a trained professional when there’s an issue. Our undivided commitment and attention to the Volvo brand make us the best choice when your vehicle’s heating or AC malfunctions.

AC Diagnosis

There's no worse automobile experience than having your AC die out in the middle of a blustering hot day. Find out what the issue is with our state-of-the-art diagnostics that analyze every component of your AC, including your compressor, oil, refrigerant, and beyond.

AC Service & Repair

Many things can go wrong with your AC. Some services, like refilling refrigerants and replacing filters, are easy to fulfill, while issues like a broken compressor may require extensive work. Whether you have a minor or severe AC problem, our seasoned team knows how to repair it.

Climate Control Diagnosis

Do you wonder why your AC is blowing hot air or if your heating will ever kick on when it should? We recommend bringing your heating and cooling in for a diagnosis so you can stop wondering, get the answers you need, and fulfill your climate control repairs.

Heat & Defrost

When the weather cools and the temperature drops, you want to ensure your heating and defrost are functioning correctly. Our team offers routine maintenance, inspection, and repairs for heating systems for every Volvo make and model. Volvos of all conditions are welcome at our shop.

Make Your Volvo Comfortable Year-Round

The comfort level of your Volvo can make or break your driving experience, and your heating and cooling play a significant part in how you feel on the road. You don’t have to live with excessively hot or cold temperatures. Our independently operated shop restores heating and cooling function for all Volvos. We guarantee honesty, clear communication, and integrity throughout your Volvo heating or cooling repair.

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